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Trailer Rallies

April 2017 - Woody's first trailer rally was at the Hemet Trailer show of 2017. Here I made my first walk through video.

I used Teddy bears to hide water damage and dish towels to hide the rips in the cushions.

October 2017 - Malibu rally - My spot came with an awesome view. Pirates was the theme, so I have a skeleton of a pirate in front as decoration. My awning was borrowed from my brown toned 1985 Starcraft Starmaster 21.

One of the amazing things about the Rod and Reel is two very large windows to the rear. I can lie in my bed and look out at the ocean as the top of the bed is at the same level as the bottom of the rear windows. This is my view.

Woody would later end up as part of the cover on a later issues of Vintage Camper Trailer Magazine with the last 2 feet showing. Look carefully just past the third trailer, an Airstream.

May 2018 - Campland in San Diego

Spaces were tight and I had really noisy neighbors.

October 2018 - Malibu Rally again this time with some gorgeous sunrises and sunsets.

May 2, 2019 -Pismo Beach vintage trailer rally. I am able to obtain a slot for the first time.

I am able to showcase the new awning, road guard cover, and a vintage 60's bicycle. Rain cut the open house short. My trailer leaked in only a few areas. I had spent 3 evenings the week previous to seal up areas of anticipated leaks.

New additions to decorations were a vintage French made embroidered white table cloth with decorative flowers. I also bought the white vintage 50's radio and proceeded to gut it to install a small Bluetooth speaker. I could then transmit 50's music from my phone to the speaker within the radio.

May 2022 at the Pismo Beach rally. Link below shows a video including the new entry door repairs as well as the Marvel Fridge installed in the opening sans trim. This stage completed in May 2022. Trim will be added later to cover the gap around the fridge opening.

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