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Miscellaneous Repairs

April 2018 - I was able to get the electricity up and running in the trailer. I swapped out the original and obsolete 3 flat prong power inlet for the 2 prong inlet from my '57 Westerner. An original light switch is next to the door opening like in a house.

The fixture over the sink was a very rusty chromed fixture. I painted it a tan color to match the cabinets.The light fixture above the kitchen sink can be seen in this image below


When I removed the light fixture, it showed evidence of scorching from what was probably due to a light bulb with too high wattage.

April 2018 - I bought a new awning for the 2018 Campland Rally. The light blue based color pattern is based on long term plans to resurrect the light blue Rod and Reel stripe on the side of the trailer. Since Campland, I added a road guard cover to match the awning.

March 2018 - I purchased a used and working Marvel fridge for the Rod and Reel. Installation pending. Fridge can be seen in the center of the photo below.

July 2018 - I bought an early 60’s bicycle to have as a prop for the trailer at rallies.

The Bicycle can be seen at the front of the trailer as seen below.

September 2018 - I bought a white dorm fridge and built a wood frame so it wouldn't fall when towing the trailer and hung a temporary fabric to cover fridge opening.

February 2019 - Bought microwave to stack on dorm fridge. These hide behind the hanging fabric.

March 2019 - Installed temporary faux front wall to support a table. The temp faux wall tied together the floor and the horizontal wood table support just below the window. Also, the trailer was purchased with no table. I also have a ‘57 Westerner and bought a bundle of parts from a ‘55 Westerner that included a second table. This is the table I used.

Height of the table leg matched with luck.

The only problem with the two added vertical supports on the faux wall is that I cannot slide the dinette cushions down into a bed.

March 2019 - also bought vintage mid 50's radio (dead center), gutted it, and installed a small Bluetooth speaker to play 50’s music during open houses at trailer rallies. I also found a vintage 50’s era French embroidered table cloth for decoration.

April 2019 -I installed a water inlet using the old hole underneath the trailer. New Pex tubing carries the water to the faucet. The hose nipple can be seen in front of the tire.

Close up below.

April 2019 - I also removed some paint to excavate an original color. I found a light blue on the rear corner J- Rail. The blue appears to stop at the top of the side stripe

Also in April, I bought and mounted new Rod and Reel emblem decals on the front and rear of the trailer.

New decal alone.

Interestingly, I found tan colored paint underneath the original decal, but no where else on the top front of the trailer.

During this period, I replaced the original tail light lenses for new ones.

Old below.

New below. Lenses came with new gaskets and new screws!

Following the lens swap, I started removing paint on the rear wall of the trailer. I wanted to see what it might look like.

In hindsight, I shouldn't have removed the paint. It was harder than I thought, but no one can see it. Eventually at some point, the entire trailer will have to be painted. The smile was an afterthought for gags for people stuck behind me on the road.

May 2020 - I took the easy way out and covered the top edge of the skins where the J Rail is mounted with gutter seal. This was a band-aide to prevent leaks. It works like caulk, but can be easily removed when the skins get removed. Apply paint thinner to it and it softens for removal. Caulk is much more difficult to remove.

February 2021 - Progress is slow to say the least. Made another cosmetic addition. I got a good deal on re-upholstery and went for it. Henry's Upholstery in La Habre, California. The cushions were reupholstered and rebuilt with new springs and padding and a new Naugahyde. Not sure if I like the color. For now it works and sitting on the benches is so much more supportive. Looks so much better than the beaten faded yellow cushions.

October 2021

I repaired one of the broken front window panes. It has been broken since I bought the trailer and I covered it with thin plexiglass and a mix of blue painters tape and packing tape. The first replacement pane I installed cracked in the same place. I resized the glass pane and "floated it" in the frame and the second pane didn't crack.

The blue tape is finally gone and a new glass pane looks so much better.

June 2022

I had to rebuild the entry door. The lower horizontal internal support had rotted years ago and fallen out. It was flapping when towing. It jumped to the top of the repair list. I traded a vintage 50’s stove for the labor from a trailer buddy. New door trim was ordered. The journey took a little less than 6 months.

New door at the rally. General Finishes water based clear with their amber dye was used on this door. The interior will be this color eventually.

While the door was off, a Marvel mini fridge I had bought 4 years ago would be installed. Hurdles included figuring out how to replace the existing dried out and cracking electrical wiring with new and then finding the correct cooling fan and new door gasket. Gussets were installed under the fridge cavity and a “box” was created to distribute the lateral load by adding a small wood panel in the wardrobe cabinet.

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